CGS Dentistry



Prosthodontic treatments are used to replace damaged or missing teeth. They include dentures, crowns, dental implants, and bridges. While most of these procedures are performed by your dentist, there may be situations where we may suggest a referral to a prosthodontist for more intensive treatment.

Types of Treatment

Prosthodontists specialize in treating very complex dental and facial issues. They restore missing teeth and jaw structures by using a variety of options including crowns, bridges, and dental implants. These procedures help to restore the function of the teeth and also maintain the integrity of the surrounding teeth.

Why Do I Need to See a Prosthodontist?

It is important to fix missing or broken teeth promptly, as gaps in the teeth will cause misalignment problems as other teeth move out of place. This affects your bite and disrupts your normal chewing function. Missing teeth will also change your facial contours and affect your ability to smile confidently.

CGS Dentistry

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