Your confidence and your overall health are connected, just like your oral health is. A poor smile means you’re less likely to show off your teeth in public, or even to family and friends. Studies have shown the difference smiling can make to your overall happiness and how others see you. Your social life, career and interactions with strangers are all effected by your smile.

That’s why CGS Dentistry has decided to give something back to moms, who work hard and are often secondary when it comes to dental care after their children. This May, we will choose one lucky mother who is deserving of a brand new smile of their dreams.


Pay it forward and help us select the next winner of the Dream Smile Makeover Contest 2015. Nominate a mom you know deserves a dream smile and tell us why in a letter addressed to CGS Dentistry. Dr. Kara and the CGS team will review all entries and select the most deserving mom based on their dental needs, their role in the community and how much impact a smile makeover could have on their life.

Nominees can be your own mother, a friend, co-worker, teacher, sister or any other moms you know who put others first.

The entry deadline has now passed.

Meet Last Year’s Winners

CGS ended up selecting 5 winners for the Dream Smile Makeover Contest in 2014. So far, CGS has donated over $115,000.00 in dental services to 5 mothers of different ages, giving them new confidence and roughly 32 new reasons to smile.

